Thursday, June 12, 2014



1)    Consulting

a)    Grant development-  assist with development of ideas that will put your organization a head of the pack when competing for grants.

b)    Place making- assist with combining the needs of the community and the goals and dreams of the public.  This includes redevelopment and branding.

c)    Community building- assist in development of community building events and programs.  Specializing in outreach at is all inclusive not only within the public itself but with organizations creating partnerships that foster teamwork and unity.

d)    Public art design- assist in design of art work that is installed in a public place that  has a community element of outreach or education.

2)    Program and Project Design

a)    Artful fundraising- design and development of a fundraising program that incorporates art as the mechanism  to convey the message and collection of donations.  This is not buy a brick or silent auction program. 

b)    Artful marketing and promotions- design and development of marketing and promotional programs that use art as the vehicle to communicate the message.  This moves your message past the simple sign, bill board or news paper ads. Make a direct connection with your patron or consumer.

c)    Art based education-  design and develop educational programs using art as the teaching tool to convey academic and social lessons.  The programs can result in a permanent work of art, like a mural or sculpture.  The art is integrated rough out the program so that there is no division between the subject matter and the art.  They program can include visual or performing arts, video and Technology and social media.

d)    Public art development and installation-  This is a full program package service.  It includes custom designed public art project and project management.  The projects are designed to take account of the installation space and the people needs and the organizations goals.  The Possibilities are endless.   

Design Process Worksheet

Design Process Worksheet

Project Design Process

Project Design Process

1)      Identify goals
a)      Identify established goals set by all entities working toward developing the region that can use art as a tool. 
b)      Within the goals identify the Teaching, Marketing, promotions, and community building opportunities.

2)      Analyze additional considerations

a)      Examine Site
b)      Explore participating groups
c)       Developed partnerships
d)      Plan goals and parameters

3)      Create Rough Project proposal
a)      Preliminary design concept approved
b)      Finalize the participating groups

4)      Create Final Design
a)      with detail budget

5)      Line up funding
a)      In-kind
b)      Grants
c)       Donors- public or private

6)      Establish time line
a)      Assemble collaborators
b)      develop Participatory list and contacts
c)       Hire help

7)      Run Program
a)      Community based workshops
b)     Internships and Mentorships

8)      Build and Install

a)      evaluation
b)      Documentation

9)      Celebration and unveiling

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Art Surrounds Us (Outdoor Learning Space) #ArtSurroundsUs

The project ART SURROUNDS US  will allow students time and space to integrate nature with the arts. 

Art Surrounds Us will allow our children to work with environmental artist, Deborah Landry, to create mosaic designs to be installed on outdoor benches as part of an outdoor learning theater. This project will open up a whole new learning and performing space for our students and staff as well as providing a wonderful venue for outdoor theater and music performances within our community. It is our greatest wish to provide a place where our primarily inner city population can connect with the beauty in our natural environment. As always we hope to allow community members a chance to work alongside our students to model and support all children as lifelong learners. Pine Fine Arts Elementary is fortunate to be in the middle of a lovely thriving woodland area. This location is currently under-utilized in our teaching and this Outdoor Learning Theater project is an attempt to encourage and build upon this amazing resource in our very own backyard. In addition to our students and staff having direct input into the curricular designs that will literally be on our seating area, students and staff will also be directly benefiting all future students and community members who will come to utilize this unique outdoor learning theater. 
Collaborative Drawing of Students Sketches