Saturday, May 31, 2014

ABOUT- Engaging Arts Worksheet- Vision and Need

MISSION:  Engaging arts mission is to design public engaging art project that use art as the vehicle to build stewardship and community.   The projects include education, promotion and marketing opportunities as well as fundraising if required.  The projects engage the public to create or take part in a small aspect of producing a larger collaborative work of art.   The entire process, from Initial request, public interaction, producing, designing and the final outcome is art.  The public engagement is a hands on  experience which includes mind, body and senses.

DISCOVERY SHEET: This sheet will help clarify your vision and needs.

1)      Describe the mission of your organization

2)      Describe who your primary and secondary customer

3)      Describe what you are wanting to say.  (Are you wanting to teach something or promote a product)

4)      Describe your partners, who do you work with, who do you want to work with.

5)      Describe what you have tried in the past, what were your successes and failures?

6)      What is your budget? (There is a additional discovery sheet for fundraising)

7)      Identify all your assets.  (this can be physical like land, building, art material or it can be people, accountant, lawyer, construction worker.)

8)      Describe what type of help you need.

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